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REVINE Partners

Interaction among actors and stakeholders, open access and innovation underlie the REVINE R&D process implementation, fostering growth of new skills and competencies in participating researchers, private companies and farmers. Key actors represented in the project consortium are thus: researchers (from CREA-Italy, ENEA-Italy, Cyprus University of Technology, Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências-Portugal, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária-Portugal, Agricultural Research Center-Egypt, Regional Centre of Agriculture Research of Sidi Bouzid-Tunisia, Burgundy School of Business-France); private companies (Società agricola  D’Alessandro and Azienda Agricola San Marco in Italy, Vasiliko Oinopoieio Kyperoundas and Vlassides Winery in Cyprus);
farmers associations (Consorzio per le Nuove Varietà di Uva da Tavola in Italy, Associação de viticultores do concelho de Palmela in Portugal). Members will be kept informed of the project’s progress, will be encouraged to participate in selected project meetings, and will contribute in between these by electronic means to help steering research, knowledge transfer, dissemination, and outreach of the project. When necessary, proper procedures (e.g. confidentiality agreement) will be applied to ensure that confidential information is not disclosed to the outside.

Partners: Benvenuto

Some more information

REVINE involves well integrated research organisms with many expertise and experiences in the focus of the topic, guaranteeing the achievement of the proposed objectives. In particular, CREA-VE is specialized on viticulture research and holds resources that will be available for REVINE: one of the largest worldwide germplasm collection of table and wine grapes, thousands of new grape genotypes obtained by conventional and marker assisted breeding programs and a large microbial bank. Moreover, it currently works on the evaluation of grapes for biotic and abiotic resilience and holds projects related to REVINE (VITE 4.0, DiBio subproject BIOPRIME, BIOTECH-VITECH) aimed to develop new eco-friendly pest management strategies in viticulture, genome editing and cis-genesis approaches to counteract grapevine biotic and abiotic stresses, and to explore the mycorrhizal effects in grapevine to improve growth, defence and priming traits. ENEA is currently working on the optimization of pyrolysis and gasification processes (see Section 4), that in the project will be used for biochar production. ENEA has a solid experience on genomic studies and it currently holds two active projects involving environmental targeted and untargeted metagenomics (the LIFE project “A new Life for Mar Piccolo” and the PSR Project  “ORGOLIO lucano”). The developed pipelines will be applied in REVINE. ARC is currently working on the evaluation of Regenerative Agriculture approaches and soil-associated microorganisms as biological control techniques, in particular, against plant parasitic nematodes. At FCiencias.ID, two research centers BioISI and MARE are currently working on grapevine resistance to pathogens and holding projects related to REVINE (GRAVITAS, ResisTing and INTERPHENO).  BioISI presents a core research line devoted to grapevine resistance to pathogens. It has already implemented a pipeline for soil microbiome analysis through 4th generation sequencing Nanopore technology that will be used for REVINE. MARE has analytical facilities to conduct the physiological and biochemical evaluation of plant fitness after consortia testing. INIAV: The Portuguese Grapevine Ampelographic field is directed by INIAV. Their current line of research is related to genetic diversity assessment and maintenance, breeding for resistance and evaluation of tolerance to pathogens. CUT is currently working on the identification and genetic characterization of local grapevine germplasm biodiversity and on the identification of effective antagonistic microorganisms from indigenous grapevine varieties, beneficial microorganisms with plant growth promotion activities, and antifungal extracts to be used for biological control; CRRA is currently working on biological control techniques. 
REVINE will also keep tight contacts and exploit synergies with projects to be funded under other calls and initiatives, including capacity building initiatives and capitalization of results. Furthermore, other programs may provide matching funding for research networking/international secondment such as CREA’s Short Term Mobility, an initiative offering researchers the opportunity to enhance their careers through scholarships usable to visit and make research activities in foreign laboratories. An important area of cooperation will cover the area of open data/open access. Efforts will be made to ease accessibility of data produced by the REVINE actors using Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) services such as ELIXIR and EUDAT.

Partners: Chi sono
Partners: Members Page
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